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Shipment and packing costs

Your delivery charge will be calculated based on weight , packing material , the goods ordered by you and are shown separately in the order confirmation / offer. The automatically generated confirmation serves only as overview of the expected costs and represents a non-binding cost estimate. The binding order confirmation / offer is available in a separate email for shooting gernerierten mail system , to the email address specified in the order.
Shipping methods


Delivery is by UPS.
  • EU
    Calculation is based upon the total weight
    Up toCharge
    2,00 kg
  • Germany
    Calculation is based upon the total weight
    Up toCharge
    5,00 kg
  • Other
    Calculation is based upon the total weight
    Up toCharge
    2,00 kg
  • Switzerland
    Calculation is based upon the total weight
    Up toCharge
    2,00 kg
Packing costs
The packaging costs will be charged with a flat fee of 3,50 €.